Avaris - Hidden Universe EP 2020 #Psychedelic #Psydub #Psybass #Psychill Today we invite you to join us on another musical adventure following Avaris in his immaculate quest for sonic amusement. Following traces of his previous releases, “The Hidden Universe” awards us with four new pieces of the puzzle that completes the cycle of inner emotional self-discovery. Behind the rivers, behind the mountains, behind the forests, the sound of sacred frequencies slithers between trees and challenges us to follow the path of transcendence. Engraved into each of his sounds, Avaris allows us to embrace different cosmologies and challenge the fears away that we succumb to in our every day life. “The mystic shell, the mystic Kochlos is singing, whistling through the wind, Sun and the Moon, together with birds and along secret entities.” Finally, at the last sound of the tune, the space, the time, the sound bleeds into music and becomes one with the seeker and one with the landscape. Giving in to the trance of discovery. Slowly, faintly, a listener becomes one with the wind of euphoria and shifts into an Orgiophant that waves with the hands of the mountain. Close your eyes, take the music’s hands, and embrace it. Axios Records North Macedonia /// Axios Records is a network of artists, sharing a common idea, creating and promoting unique psychedelic music and arts through taking the main focus in promoting quality releases, acts and events ... Axios Records promotes all kind of quality psychedlic genres. Through long years of work and specially picked artists of Axios Records, amazingly special unique future releases are being created! axiosrecords.com Written and produced by Kostas Kanlis (Avaris) Mastering by Ognen Zafirovski (Yudhisthira) Artwork by Maxim Shukharev (Time of Myths) released October 31, 2020 https://axiosrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-hidden-universe

Теги других блогов: Psychedelic Psydub Psybass